Monthly Archives: January 2012

Music Alliance Pact – January 2012 Issue

SINGAPORE: I’m Waking Up To…
Riot !n MagentaCTRL
Do androids dream of electric sheep? One thinks of such things when the contrast between the organic and inorganic meld together into a primordial blur of passion. Riot !n Magenta gently slip into the stream of your thoughts with Hayashida Ken’s dark, pulsing rhythms and Eugenia Yip’s wispful and forlorn vocal delivery. There’s tension in every stem as the words haze through: “I try to take it slow, you go faster…You need control…”. Definitely hoping to hear more from this special duo. – Brian.

To download all 36 songs in one file click here. MAP is published on the 15th of every month, featuring a showcase of music handpicked by bloggers from all over the world.

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#378 Josef K – Crazy to Exist

In the annals of post-punk otherness, Josef K has long held a rather exalted place and here’s one of the reasons why. The jagged perfection of “Crazy To Exist”, one of only a handful of songs this Scottish band recorded in their short existence during the early eighties, still sound singular and not the least dated. I first got exposed to their music quite a few years back via the reissue of The Only Fun in Town, and the unrelenting sonic deviance of Josef K’s sound remains lodged in my head ever since. And every time I plug into the crazy rhythms of “Crazy To Exist”, a song filled with absurdities and the pale flowering of alienation, reality disintegrates. – Keith.

mp3: Josef K – Crazy To Exist