sharon van etten wakes up to …

we’re back with that occasional series of ours where we invite musicians to share a song they’ve been waking up to lately. this time, we’re honored to have as our guest sharon van etten, who has a new album epic out on october 5 on ba da bing records.

Lately, I have been obsessed with this band from Montreal called Automelodi. I work at a record label (Ba Da Bing Records) and my boss, Ben, is constantly getting new records in. He knows I have a soft spot for 80s/90s post punk/early electro, vaguely alternative music… and so one day, he put on a Wierd Records compilation. It was a vinyl set of like 4 pieces or something. There were so many good bands on there… however, Automelodi stuck out in my mind as being an authentic, genuine, NON-cheesy version of the 80s I wish I was a part of. The song in particular that gets me going in the morning is called “Schéma Corporel”. – sharon van etten.

mp3: automelodi – schéma corporel

thanks sharon!

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